Many of you know that the person who inspired me on Instagram was Kyrzayda. For those who do not know her, you can click the Link below to check her profile so you know how special she was to me.
Kyrzayda was a person that I adored a lot, I had the pleasure of meeting her in person and whenever I miss her daily posts I would go to her Instagram, there I I would get so inspired.
It will never be the same for someone you admire a lot to copy everything that person does. There is no one like kyrzayda in terms of fashion, that girl could wear a black plastic bag and she could still have rocked it like a gown from hollywood.
Here are some examples of inspiration.
The dress below belonged to her which I was fortunate to purchase from her at her bazaar before she passed away.
See how I have gray hair, platform heels and still my own style?
Now let’s look at how Kyrzayda wore the same dress
Leather jacket, short hair, golden wallet.
My photos were taken by the talented Geri. By the way it was my first shoot ever.
I hope to read your comments on what you thought of this post below.
With Love,
Muchas de ustedes saben que la persona que me inspiro en Instagram fue Kyrzayda, y para los que no lo saben aqui debajo les dejo el profile de ella para que conozcan que especial ella era para mi.
Kyrzayda era una persona a la que adoraba mucho, tube el placer de concerla en persona y siempre que extrano sus daily post voy a su Instagram, alli tambien me inspiro.
Pero jamas va a hacer lo mismo inspirarte por alguien que admiras muchisimo a copiar todo lo que esa persona haga. Como kyrzayda nadie en cuanto a moda, esa chica se podia poner una funda negra y aun asi she rocked it like a gown from hollywood.
Vamos a darles unos ejemplo de inspiracion.
El vestido aqui debajo era de ella.
Notas como Yully o sea YO tengo pelo gris, zapatillas y en poca palabras mi propio estilo?
Ahora miremos a Kyrzayda con el mismo vestido.
Jacket de leather, pelo corto, cartera dorada.
Mis fotos fueron tomada por la talentosa Geri. Por cierto fue mi primer shoot ever.
Espero leer sus comentarios de lo que pensaron de este post aqui debajo.
Con mucho amor,